Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2016

Botticino fiorito

Botticino ist ein heller Kalkstein, der in der Lombardei bei Brescia in zahlreichen Steinbrüchen. Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar. BOTTICINO FIORITO è un marmo di colore beige con provenienza Italia. Botticino Fiorito ist als Marmorfliesen, Marmorplatten, Fliesen auf Maß sowie Sockel-Fliesen lieferbar. Verifica la disponibilità in tempo reale nel nostro magazzino online!

Consigliato per la realizzazione di pavimenti, rivestimenti in ambienti . The grain is very fine and har the material does not crumble. The colour variation is minimal from batch to batch. Stein zum Anfassen - Wir produzieren, liefern und montieren z. Bodenbahnen, Fensterbänke, Fensterbaenke, Fliesen und Sockelleisten, . Bottichino Fiorito marble from Italy is a patterned marble of beiges and whites. It is available in both tiles and slabs in polished and tumbled finishes. Scientific marble was once limestone that achieved metamorphosis from intense pressures and high . Save Favorite See in a Room.

Possible applications: Floors and Cladding in interiors and exteriors. Marble Collection - 1colors. We offer iron furniture and . Steine von höchster Qualität bearbeiten. Maßgeschneiderte Projekte schaffen, die den Anforderungen unserer Kunden gerecht . GNL carries a full line of granite, marble and quartz. Mosaic Sheet size – x 12.

Finish – Hone Polishe Tumbled Variation – Natural . Directly from the Quarry owned by De Franceschi Company, the Botticino Classico Extra is a beige uniform limestone with a brown vain. Available in both slabs and tiles to support . Chiedi un preventivo per blocchi, lastre e pavimenti. Way Dimensional 600mm x 600mm. Interior Flooring, Interior Walls, Other Counters.

The stone is cut across the grain of the stone, giving it a soothing, cloudy effect. Ardesia bardiglio botticino breccia calacatta carrara granito lavica marmo onici perlato pietra pietre rosa portogallo travertino . Slab Finishes: Brushed Bush hammered. Customization available upon . Von beige Farbtafeln, ist es für den Einsatz von . PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Carico di rottura a compressione: . Projects that have used similar materials. Blocks and slabs vary in appearance and dimension. As this is natural stone, all pictures are a rough guide.

Lieferbar in Fliesenformaten: 35x35x1cm, 61x35x1cm, 40x40x1cm, 60x40x1cm, 60x60x1cm, 50x50x1cm, 60x120x1cm 80x80x1cm, . As each stone is unique, sizes will vary upon availability. Average slab size is 80” x 40” .

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